The Church will develop and promote
fellowship, small groups, spiritual, and educational activities to help
everyone be a vital part of our ministries.
Strategy #1: The Church will develop and promote
fellowship, small groups, spiritual, and educational activities to help
everyone be a vital part of our ministries.
Conduct fun
activities at the Church that will create opportunities for meeting and
fellowship between multi-generational people and families on an annual basis
starting in 20__. Recommended events including but not limited to (e.g. Party
in the parking lot, Community Fair, Annual Church Wide Variety Show). Establish
other activities to promote fellowship. Examples include games nights at
church/softball games/bowling outings or other recreational events/movie
nights/Halloween bonfire. Conduct other events could include bands, concerts,
dances, and perhaps BBQs. Offer more "seeker"-type youth events, including
lock-ins and/or game nights and publicize to the public. Bring in outsiders to
do short-term Bible studies that address specific issues/concerns of identified
target groups.
Strategy #2: Implement a spiritual educational program
at the Church.
Implement an enhanced,
dynamic, and diverse program to enhance the faith and knowledge of the
congregation. Create a spiritual education program for Sunday School, Disciple.
Companions In Christ, Bible Study.
More and diverse
scheduling of Disciple Classes (e.g. Different start and stop times during
year, implement Disciple group follow up, include a Youth Disciple).
Implement more
Bible study for example, shorter terms (8 - 10 week), Children's Bible study.
Implement additional Spiritual formation activities.
We must recognize that more than one
activity can take place on church grounds or in church facilities at the same
Strategy #3: Through the Church Out Reach Activities
Committee and in conjunction with the Activities Committee.
The Congregation
will experience more opportunities for fellowship activities. Implement special
events at Church on each of the 4, fifth Sundays of the year including but not
limited to: (After Church meal or spiritual study, Brunch between services,
Special Church wide Sunday School with topical discussion of interest to most
people that will also allow families to attend the session together.)
Strategy #4: Establish a small fellowship group to
promote and maintain connectivity of college aged adults to the Church.
Implement a
program to connect the Church with college aged adults. Provide and maintain a
connection between the Church college aged young adults who have moved away
from the area and the church. Provide and maintain educational opportunities to
college aged adults in the area.
Strategy #5: Promote the growth of existing and new
activities at the Church.
Create a Church
league softball team, basketball and volleyball where the Church teams play against other area
Church teams. Develop other team recreational activities based on congregation
interest. Present church plays, musicals, and special presentations promoting
fellowship and spiritual outreach to community.
Strategy #6: Implement organized activities or
opportunities for the Church.
members will discover and experience new spiritual practices through activities
that foster upright moral values. Such as: Passion Play trip to Gatlinburg, TN,
Christus Gardens in Gatlinburg, TN, etc.
Strategy #7: Create support groups and/or classes to
meet the congregation needs.
Bring small
groups together to provide topical support to the group's needs. Provide
assistance to church members and their families who are in need of specific
support from people in (or who have experience with) similar situations. Create
support groups such as but not limited to; job search, divorce recovery, grief
counseling, parenting, marriage.
Strategy #8: Create common interest groups.
Allow people with
similar interests an opportunity to get together and enjoy fellowship with
others. Create groups, such as but not limited to, mature persons, movie night,
book clubs, or dinner clubs, quilting groups, boy scouts, girl scouts,
scrapbooking, men and women’s groups.
Strategy #9: Implement Youth/Adult mentor program at
the Church.
relationships will be experienced in the congregation. Identify youth and
adults interested in participating in the mentor program. Develop and
communicate the Mentor Program guidelines. Create topics for mentoring program.
Strategy #10: Implement the teaching of Community
Courses at the Church.
a. The Church
will become an educational venue for the community. May be able to utilize
experts from among our church membership for some courses. Establish courses
such as but not limited to; parenting. CPR, baby sitting, tutoring,
financial/budgeting, GED program.