Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Giving God our Best?
By: Randall Sidwell
Give God our Best. As a Minister for more than 18 years I have heard this phrase used to try and set a dress code for Church. Here is the thing what if my best isn’t or doesn’t match up to someone else’s best? Or their assumptions of what is best. Like it really matters what we are wearing. Jesus was not born in the best hospital, with the best doctors, or wrapped in the best blankets. No he was born in a manger because there was no room for him or his parents.
Sadly we can make people feel that way today by the standards we sit up within the Church. That’s what the Pharisees and Sadducees had done in the synagogue and temple in Jesus day. If you didn’t wear the right thing or say the right thing then you were not welcome. That is why they couldn’t accept Jesus as the Messiah.
See they had a distorted view of giving God their best. It has to be wrapped up in the quality of our cloths, or what we drive, or what we put in the offering right? Wrong. God seeks our best indeed without a question but it has nothing to do with what we wear, but has everything to do with giving the “Whole Us” Heart, Soul and Mind. Matthew 22:37 “Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
Listen to what James has to say in 2:1-4 My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
He goes on to say in verse “If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”[a]you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”
As we worship God, we give Him ourselves. Romans 12:1 says, " Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."
We give Him our lives in service to Him as a living sacrifice. In doing this we must give Him our all. Anything we do for God must be our very best. Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37, " Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'" All our heart, soul, and mind, or in other words, our total being must be in our service to God.
Here at 17th Street Christian Church we ask you to give your Best but it isn’t about what you wear on the outside. It is about worship in spirit and in truth, it is about giving your all to God: heart, soul, and mind.
So come all you who are heavy laden and find rest. Find acceptance. Find grace. Because here at 17th Street Christian Church we Seek to Know Jesus More Intimately, Love Jesus More Passionately, and Follow Jesus More Intently.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Making Steps in Church Revitalization
Ok to all my friends in Ministry out there that are working with or leading churches that they are trying to Revitalize. Here is a Book list for you. If you don't have them start picking them up. I am working my way through the list now. I would invite you to message me with your insights and thoughts as you make your way through these books. Iron sharpens Iron and together we can help the Churches we serve move forward in Christ.

1. Autopsy of a Deceased Church BY: Tom Rainer
2. Church Unique By: Will Mancini
3. Comeback Churches BY: Ed Stetzer and Mike Dodson
4. From Embers to a Flame By: Harry L Reeder 3
5. Fusion By: Nelson Searcy
6. I am a Church Member By: Thom Rainer
7. Next Pastoral Succession That Works By: William Vanderbloemen
8. RePlant: How a Dying Church can Grow Again By: Darrin Patrick/Mark Devine
9. ReVitaLize Your Church Through Gospel Recovery By: Alvin Reid
10. Vital Signs BY: Tony 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Church will develop and promote fellowship, small groups, spiritual, and educational activities to help everyone be a vital part of our ministries.


Strategy #1: The Church will develop and promote fellowship, small groups, spiritual, and educational activities to help everyone be a vital part of our ministries.

Conduct fun activities at the Church that will create opportunities for meeting and fellowship between multi-generational people and families on an annual basis starting in 20__. Recommended events including but not limited to (e.g. Party in the parking lot, Community Fair, Annual Church Wide Variety Show). Establish other activities to promote fellowship. Examples include games nights at church/softball games/bowling outings or other recreational events/movie nights/Halloween bonfire. Conduct other events could include bands, concerts, dances, and perhaps BBQs. Offer more "seeker"-type youth events, including lock-ins and/or game nights and publicize to the public. Bring in outsiders to do short-term Bible studies that address specific issues/concerns of identified target groups.

Strategy #2: Implement a spiritual educational program at the Church.
Implement an enhanced, dynamic, and diverse program to enhance the faith and knowledge of the congregation. Create a spiritual education program for Sunday School, Disciple. Companions In Christ, Bible Study.

More and diverse scheduling of Disciple Classes (e.g. Different start and stop times during year, implement Disciple group follow up, include a Youth Disciple).

Implement more Bible study for example, shorter terms (8 - 10 week), Children's Bible study. Implement additional Spiritual formation activities.

We must recognize that more than one activity can take place on church grounds or in church facilities at the same time.

Strategy #3: Through the Church Out Reach Activities Committee and in conjunction with the Activities Committee.

The Congregation will experience more opportunities for fellowship activities. Implement special events at Church on each of the 4, fifth Sundays of the year including but not limited to: (After Church meal or spiritual study, Brunch between services, Special Church wide Sunday School with topical discussion of interest to most people that will also allow families to attend the session together.)

Strategy #4: Establish a small fellowship group to promote and maintain connectivity of college aged adults to the Church.
Implement a program to connect the Church with college aged adults. Provide and maintain a connection between the Church college aged young adults who have moved away from the area and the church. Provide and maintain educational opportunities to college aged adults in the area.

Strategy #5: Promote the growth of existing and new activities at the Church.
Create a Church league softball team, basketball and volleyball  where the Church teams play against other area Church teams. Develop other team recreational activities based on congregation interest. Present church plays, musicals, and special presentations promoting fellowship and spiritual outreach to community.

Strategy #6: Implement organized activities or opportunities for the Church.
Congregation members will discover and experience new spiritual practices through activities that foster upright moral values. Such as: Passion Play trip to Gatlinburg, TN,  Christus Gardens in Gatlinburg, TN, etc.  

Strategy #7: Create support groups and/or classes to meet the congregation needs.
Bring small groups together to provide topical support to the group's needs. Provide assistance to church members and their families who are in need of specific support from people in (or who have experience with) similar situations. Create support groups such as but not limited to; job search, divorce recovery, grief counseling, parenting, marriage.

Strategy #8: Create common interest groups.
Allow people with similar interests an opportunity to get together and enjoy fellowship with others. Create groups, such as but not limited to, mature persons, movie night, book clubs, or dinner clubs, quilting groups, boy scouts, girl scouts, scrapbooking, men and women’s groups.

Strategy #9: Implement Youth/Adult mentor program at the Church.
Inter-generational relationships will be experienced in the congregation. Identify youth and adults interested in participating in the mentor program. Develop and communicate the Mentor Program guidelines. Create topics for mentoring program.

Strategy #10: Implement the teaching of Community Courses at the Church.

a. The Church will become an educational venue for the community. May be able to utilize experts from among our church membership for some courses. Establish courses such as but not limited to; parenting. CPR, baby sitting, tutoring, financial/budgeting, GED program.
The Church will Minister to the needs of the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the oppressed, the disenfranchised, the lonely, and the lost.

Strategy #1: Feed the hungry.
The Church will ensure that the needs of the hungry are met in their local area by focusing support efforts to the County Food Pantry  and County Benevolence. Find a congregation member who will serve as the Church's coordinator with the Food Pantry and attend meetings. Develop a church program for routinely supplementing and supporting food bank. Host a quarterly covered dish evening meal at the church at which an entrance donation can be made to support Food Pantry.

Strategy #2: Serve the needs of the poor, homeless, and oppressed.
Support local programs that benefit the poor, the homeless and the oppressed. Provide toiletries for Salvation Army, Resource Center & homeless Shelters. Explore alternative giving programs (encourage giving of gifts or donations to charities). Provide school supplies for needy children.

Strategy #3: Community Service
Expand Vacation Bible School to assure access by all children that want or need to attend. Increase volunteer support. Provide scholarships for the needy in the community.

Build database of needs and resources (consolidate and expand existing information). Explore opportunities to provide elderly assistance, daycare, meals, transportation, recreational activities, and others. Provide after-school programs for children. Provide transportation to cancer center appointments for those in need (some may already be provided by Caring Ministries).

Strategy #4: Spiritual, mental, and physical health.

Partner with counseling services. Create/prepare a counseling office. Organize support groups for people in life transitions e.g., unemployed, divorces, health issues, etc. Partner with DCS to create and maintain a good parenting course.
The Church will develop an identity in our community


Strategy #1: Establish a community process within the Church that will insure consistency and provide a clear identity in the community.

Specific result: Create a unique brand that reflects the mission statement and captures our overriding message to the community. Create and adopt a logo and brand-type (including a slogan that defines the Church and summarizes its mission statement).

b. Specific Result: Select target audiences and develop a systematic approach to getting message to target audiences. Select target audiences and develop a systematic approach to getting message out. Place ads in local newspapers ever week. Create an Invite-a-Friend Sunday worship event/open house. Create specialty items for use at events (t-shirts, posters, banners, flyers, mugs, etc.).

Strategy #2: Develop mechanisms to allow the Church to deliver its message to the community.
Specific Result: Establish an external communication budget to ensure community awareness. Research costs for selected media. Research costs for design and layout. Research costs for specialty items.

Create a variety of communication tools designed specifically to reach target audiences which may include brochures, ads, CD, etc. Determine number and type of tools needed. Determine purposes for type of tools needed. Determine specific message. Example we are in need of a church sign at the end of Cordell Hull on 111 that not only identifies our location but signifies our desire for others to come worship with us.

Create a display booth or other street level presence to deliver our message, which can be used in community events and festivals. Develop a display. Set up a system for checking the display out and returning it. Develop guidelines for including printed materials with the display.

Strategy #3: Engage the congregation in revealing the Church identity to the community.
Specific Results: Educate the congregation regarding the church brand during worship services and other events. Develop a PowerPoint presentation to run before services. Identify a spokesperson to develop and deliver a "Mission Moment" regarding the brand. Develop a bulletin insert Upgrade the weekly bulletin to reflect the vision statement.

Create and train volunteers including youth and adults to help deliver our message. Identify people within the church that have contact with the community such as bread delivers, greeters, ushers, new members ministry, etc. Develop a brief training program or handouts - use new member booklet. Develop a bulletin insert. Establish list of individuals willing to go out into the community to speak on behalf of the Church. Develop a mechanism to continue training as new people come into program.

Improve promotion of existing events and programs. Identify all activities that would require additional promotion and would further our identity in the community. Follow established process developed under Strategy 1 to ensure consistency in promotion of existing events and programs. Follow the guidelines developed under Strategy 2 to deliver the message to the community. Develop PowerPoint Slides to project before Church service starts to make congregation aware of upcoming events.

Congregational Development Project

Presented By: Minister Randall Sidwell

The Church will seek out members from our diverse community and provide an environment where he/she can experience God's unconstitutional love.

Strategies Set 1
Strategy #1 The Church will be a church that provides a welcoming environment that will attract people of all races, ages, and economic backgrounds.

It will be a church of diverse membership and ministry.
a.     Create and promote publicly a Healthy image of the Church. Develop and Maintain a weekly worship practice with all musicians, singers and Production Booth to help foster unity and develop better sound quality for worship.
b.     Take the church elsewhere: homeless shelters, Food Pantry, low-income housing developments, neighborhood community centers, apartment community centers. Urge church members, Sunday School classes, and other small groups to become more involved in community events like Habitat, Inter-church relations, holiday parades, High School and College ministries.

Strategy #2 The Church will ensure current church members are sensitive to the specific needs of first time visitors from a variety of backgrounds.
a.     It will be a community that promotes the return of first-time visitors.
Creating and maintaining a system that informs first time visitors of the different classes offered for them and members of their family.

Strategy #3 The Church will promote the use of its physical assets for the benefit of our community. To be a church focused on the community we must be a church for the community.

a. It's facilities will be used in a variety of ways to serve, educate, and minister to our diverse community.

Offer use of the facilities for community use. For example: Citizenship classes, literacy classes, parenting classes, Alcoholics Anonymous, Home Schooling Clubs and activities. This will create expense but it will also foster growth and trust which will allow the gain to outweigh the cost. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014